
Nursery 4+ years

New admissions in Playgroup and Pre-Nursery

Prepare children for the formal learning of Kindergarten by equipping them with the required skills, concepts and language in a conducive environment with experienced teachers.

Language reading and writing the letters of the alphabet, 3-5 letter words, simple sentences, phonics, vowels, speaking in sentences to state, request, ask, describe using the relevant vocabulary and grammar structures, re-telling stories in correct sequence, listening to stories, develop interest in books and stories, decode illustrations, predict story endings, name favourite story titles, sing songs with correct pronunciation , match actions to words of songs

Urdu is formally introduced with similar activities etc but only simple words are introduced, which do not require extensive joining of the letters.

Numbers: recognition, concept, counting (1-100), adding/subtracting (1-20), spellings (one-twenty), reverse counting (20-0), number vocabulary for corresponding concepts, sorting, matching, time, shapes

General Knowledge: myself, my body, senses, days of the week, left/right, months of the year, water, animal houses/babies, games, food and food groups, solar system, entertainers; parts of a tree/ plant etc.

Exercises of Practical Life; cutting, pasting, colouring, handling apparatus; art and craft.


School Day:

From 08:00 am to 01:00 pm the day is structured to include 6-7 work periods and a 30 minute snack time. The schedule varies on different days, a typical day would include.


Group Lesson 30 minutes
English 40 minutes
Numbers 40 minutes
Snack Break 30 minutes
Urdu 40 minutes
Outdoor Play 30 minutes
Art/ EPL/GK 40 minutes
Story Reading 40 minutes

Games, activities and practical work are an integral part of each lesson