
Parents who admit their children at LSL already know there is no uniform and happily accept it. But they, along with other people need to know the reason behind this particular philosophy.

Young people are seldom permitted to make any decision about their daily lives and routines. They may choose TV channels or ice-cream flavours, but not beyond that. We at LSL feel if children are allowed to choose their own clothes to a certain extent, they practice making decisions, good and bad. They learn to make choices by sub-consciously working through various options. This process prepares them for serious decisions when they are older.

Clothes are not a terribly serious issue and certainly not a life and death matter. If we let young people make some mistake in their choices the consequences are not dangerous. They will learn from their mistakes rather than from enforced decisions.

A commonly held belief is that uniforms inculcate discipline. This is debatable. We feel discipline comes from reasoning, and believing that discipline is for a purpose, that discipline is for safety, for order, for fairness and for consideration of others. Discipline is an ethos, a mind set that is absorbed by observing parents, teachers and society and not from wearing identical clothing. LSL wants every child to feel important as an individual with a unique identity and not as part of a regimented whole.